Sunday, August 2, 2009


I sit here in my kitchen with the small glow of my computer screen filling the darkness around me. Honestly, I'm not sure where this will go but I feel that I must write something down; it's been too long.

Recently, life has been a whirlwind of emotions for me. I've been more frustrated and stressed out than ever in the past couple of weeks. I've had amazing happy moments with people that I love, new and old friends. Plus, a new and familiar emotion has creeped up on me again. It comes with a ticking in my stomach as if a million butterflies have decided to make my stomach their home. And it of course comes with constant daydreaming and full-length conversations in my head of how I wish things were right now...

All-in-all, it is quite interesting to be experiencing this again...but not only am I experiencing it, but I also feel as though the feelings are being returned. Hopefully it's not just wishful thinking because I would most definitely be heartbroken. But anyway...

So lately I've been kind of upset with and drifting from one person. I'm not sure if it's just me, but it's almost as if that season of my life looks differently now and I'm moving on. Who knows, but really the thing is this person has changed so much that I feel like I have no part in their life anymore. As if we have taken two completely different - and yet similar - paths in life and we are no longer walking together but walking apart. I am on one side of the river, while this person is on the other and yet we both have the same destination point; only different ways of getting there. It's been quite the journey so far. I've learned new things about this person, tried to understand them and have succeeded but failed at showing how much I am understanding and coming across as a bitch; literally.

I don't know how this will turn out or how things will change in a couple of weeks but I have a feeling that they will be remarkably different. We'll see I guess.

don't forget to cross your fingers on this new "butterfly" situation! teeheeee....