Sunday, September 19, 2010


Apparently I have been lacking in this area of my life. It's true. I've completely let my self go and fall into the wrong arms, in all the wrong places, at all the wrong times.

No more. I'm putting an end to the misery and emptiness that I feel when I fall into those arms. I'm not going back.

Thanks to a good friend of mine who basically slapped me and woke me up from this "dream" I was living in, I've realized that no one should have my heart if they are just going to take a piece of it and use it for a short time only to throw it way when they're done with it.

I love my friends. I couldn't ask for better friends. Especially the ones who are not ashamed to say it how it is to me. Some might think that they should just let me live my life but the truth is, the reason why we have friends is so that they can guide us through life. We help each other whenever we need it the most. Tonight, I should've listened...but I didn't. I feel disgusted with myself and honestly, I wish I wasn't even in my own skin.

I realized tonight what it means to have friends that honestly care no matter how distant our relationships might actually be, or how "little" I might know the person. There are those people that are put in our lives to help us when we're stumbling and at the end of the day, those are the ones that matter the most. The ones who will only judge you to help you not to condemn you, and the ones who will tell you they love you and are perfect just the way you are.

I'm thankful for these friends because without them, I'd be dead.

To those friends, {you know who you are} I'm sorry. I've already said it to you but I feel like I couldn't say it enough times to erase the idiocy that has ensued. I love you guys for loving me for me, regardless of my faults. You are fucking awesome! <3


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