Wednesday, July 22, 2009

So it's been quite a while since I've blogged. I haven't really felt the need to update on anything because nothing interested in happening. I mean other than making new friends, and talking to old friends, life is pretty blah and boring. It seems like this summer is really hot. We've had a couple of hot days the past couple of weeks and it's been awesome! Although, I can't say I'm a huge fan of the heat.

Lately, work has been pretty stressful. It sucks big time. Makes me want to quit my job and do my photography full time and hopefully find someone who will pay for it. bah!

I just recently bought a new actually! haha. I found a lens in my house so now I have 3 in my collection. It's pretty awesome because I feel like things are coming together for this photography career plan. So fun!

A couple of weeks ago I did a photoshoot with my friend Maria and it was an awesome experience! In the weeks to come I'll be photographing a couple of my other friends. I've deleted my Portfolio off of facebook because I feel like the resolution on that site for pictures isn't the greatest and I've moved most pictures to ( It's an awesome site and does my photos justice I think.

Hmm what else can I update on? I have no idea. I've decided to take a break from Worship Ministry at church this fall. Why? I'm not quite sure. I'm at a weird place in my life right now...trying to figure things out, asking questions that I know have validity, and just exploring. So that's kind of why I've decided to not be a part of the worship ministry for the fall. I'm sure that right now I'm just climbing a mountain in my life and trying to get over it and once I'm on the other side, everything will be alright. So don't worry too much about me. I'm alright! :)

Anything else? Oh I want to get my lip pierced. I already have my nose pierced and I want my lip pierced - a stud - to compliment my nostril piercing. Michael said he might be able to get me a discount at Strange City because he knows the people there and they gave him a discount for his septum piercing. So yeah. Should be fun and interesting! haha

Well...that's all for now! Thanks for reading! :) Feel free to leave a comment.


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