Thursday, June 25, 2009


It has been a very interesting week so far. Life seems to be throwing some interesting curve balls at me.
I'm struggling a little bit with the friendships I currently have. I think I'm taking one step back and just letting people come to me for a change. I don't know if maybe I'm too pushy in my approach when it comes to trying to make plans with friends, but seriously, this week was not fun. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone or trying to make anyone feel bad but I was really looking forward to doing a couple of things this week but ended up not doing them because people who had said they would hang out did not follow through.

I've had every night this week as "alone" time. I mean, I love alone time. Don't get me wrong...but being alone always gets lonely. So that's where I am at right now. I'm kind of lonely. But I'll wait.

So this week has also been pretty stressful at work because it is right around Budget time and it's just crazy. Managers trying to get numbers inputted into spreadsheets and Business plans for next year getting completed. Oh man, a lot of this stuff falls on me. So of course I am stressed and falling behind on my own work because of all of the "seasonal" work. So I have planned to go into work on Saturday to catch up on stuff I should've done this week but couldn't do because of prioritizing the most and least important things. Should be interesting. At least Saturday night will be fun. I've planned to go to a jazz show on Saturday night with my friend Cam. well he said we'll see. But I'm going for sure. Even if I end up going alone - secretly hoping I don't - I will go and have fun.

Oh and tomorrow night I'm going to watch My Sister's Keeper with my friend Vicky. Looking forward to that. So I guess I'm not completely alone but I feel like that sometimes. I'm planning on taking my learner's test again next week. So please pray and cross your fingers that I pass this time. what is it, 6th time the charm? lol oh dear. I will begin studying. :) no worries.

In a couple of weeks my family is taking a much needed trip to Kelowna, BC. It's going to be a great trip just because we have never been out there so I'm really looking forward to it.

Oh stress...stress is not fun. I'm pretty sure I've grown a couple of greys in the last couple of weeks. Not because of stress but because I am always thinking about something or someone. I just can't stop.

Oh and then my friend asked me to be the photographer for this magazine that he is trying to start. So I'm going to have to put the skills that I do not yet have to the test. Should be interesting.

Also, my other friend at work has asked me to do photos of her and her bridesmaids getting ready the morning of her wedding. But here's the other part. She came up to me today and told me that her wedding photographer said that he would love for me to "shadow" him for the day. Apparently he usually has a student with him but he won't have one then so he said I am more than welcome to shadow him for the day and take as many pics as I like. So I have 3 months to save up for a new lens. :) I need a wide-angle lens. That's what I definitely need! haha.

Oh I ordered new sunglasses the other day. :) I can't wait to get them. They should arrive on Monday or Tuesday so I'm really looking forward to them! I'll post a pic once I get them.

Thanks for reading...
I hope I'm not completely boring.


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