Saturday, June 13, 2009

cell phones and money and coldplay, oh my!

original date: March 21, 2009

Okay so here I am blogging again. I know...kind of weird. 2 days in a row!

so this afternoon i was very relieved i guess you could say. God always knows how to turn a crappy situation around. I've been a bit discouraged the past couple of days. my cell phone service was cut off because i had apparently not paid my cell phone bill for quite some time. and yeah, i honestly thought it was true because i kind of missed 2 months payments so i thought - oh crap this is my fault - well today i called my wireless provider and they checked my account and they said that they had still not received payment. I paid my cell phone bill last I was starting to get worried. After about 15 minutes of being on the phone with the AR department we found out what the problem was. I had been paying to the wrong account. Why? Well because a couple of months ago my mom switched the account over to my name, little did i know that when the account name changed so did the account number. Since I have my Rogers account linked to my online bills on my online banking I had been paying to an inactive account. I'm surprised that they didn't catch this...but whatever. So...I had about a $480 credit on this other account. I verified with the guy the new account number and he transferred all of the payments that i had made on the other account to my account and said a cheque in the amount of $200 something would be mailed to me. So i was very relieved. Not only did I have my cell phone service back, I also have $200 to pay my taxes -

YES! That's right. I owe the government money this year. That had me pretty upset as well. I thought I'd be getting money back but turns out that last year for Jan 08 to Mar 08 I had a part time job that did not deduct any tax from my pay checks. which sucks...BUT it's like I said, God knows how to turn a crap situation around because now I have this money that I wasn't expecting to get in order to pay my taxes and then still have money to put into my savings, future shop card, visa card, and bills. So now you know why I live by faith. God always provides. I shouldn't worry so much. I have a God who cares for me.

So about 10 minutes after I cleared that situation with Rogers I got a phone call from my mom. She said "were you expecting mail? you have 2 envelopes here for you" so i asked her who they were from and she said something about "1 Blue Jays..." it was an address! I said right away "Open it! it might be Coldplay tickets and if it is I'm going to pee my pants!" so she opened the envelope and THEY WERE MY COLDPLAY TICKETS! I was sooo excited!!! I wanted to hold them in my hand.

You know, this may seem kind of weird and retarded but I really did feel joy today. God gave me joy today in things that I did not expect to hear. I didn't expect Rogers to tell me that I'd be getting a cheque mailed to me because I had overpayed, I didn't expect to receive my Coldplay tickets, and I certainly didn't expect to be so joyful on a day where I wouldn't get to spend time with friends.

God is good. Don't ever forget that.

"We live by faith, not by sight." - 2 Corinthians 5:7


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