original date: March 8, 2009
So Thursday I saw something that kind of made me think, "How can I reflect Jesus?" I won't mention what it was because I don't want to potentially offend the person just in case they decide to read this.
So I woke up Friday morning thinking, "God how can I reflect you and your love in my life?"
How can I show people that I'm not just Hilda, that there is something different about me and that that something is Jesus? I'm challenged to look at the way that I speak, act or react, and especially the way that I view others. I had a very good conversation with Andrea yesterday. We were talking about a friend who people seem to be annoyed by and then the people who are annoyed most by this person are the ones who say that they want to be more like Jesus and that we need to love people. How are you loving this particular person if you are pretty much avoiding that person because they are annoying?
It just frustrates me sometimes because Jesus didn't care who wanted to talk to him. Jesus loved everyone regardless of age, color, gender, awkwardness, sexual sins, etc. He loved everyone the same. I just think that sometimes people focus so much on trying to be like Jesus that they forget what the characteristics of Jesus were. They say "well Jesus loved people" so they go to Hope Mission or places of the sort and "love" people but then they forget about the others that they are called to love. Especially the ones who they talk to and fellowship with and the ones who they gather with on Sundays and in bible studies.
This is definitely something that has bugged me in the past and it was for reasons like these that I was bitter towards the church...but now it's different. Thinking this way has actually challenged me to not do what others do. I want to love ALL people. Even the ones at work that are difficult to love. Even my brother who is difficult to love. My sister who can sometimes be difficult to love. I want to love not because I have to but because Jesus first loved.
Tonight I'm going to see a movie called "Fireproof". I have a feeling that it will definitely talk alot about love. So just stay tuned for my blog on that and maybe I'll be able to relate it back somehow to what I've been thinking about lately.
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