Saturday, June 13, 2009

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

original date: April 6, 2009

This morning in church I was reminded of the amazing command in these words. "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus". This is not simply turning your heart to God, it's turning your EYES to him and seeing his beauty and grace. The eyes are so important. I thank God that he has given me the gift of sight. So many times I find myself wondering what life would be like if I couldn't see. Who knows, maybe I would actually focus on God more.

The reason why I was convicted by these words was because at the moment that the words were being sung I was not focusing on Jesus. I was thinking about the boy in the sixth row from the front of stage right. And as soon as I said "oh my goodness he's so beautiful", the immediate thought of "turn your eyes upon Jesus" rang through my head. Not just because it was being sung but also because it was exactly what I wasn't doing at the time. I lose focus a lot of the time. I have big time ADD but I haven't been's just something I like to say I have. So today, focusing my heart, my mind, my body, my soul, and my eyes on Jesus was something that I was reminded of.

Last night I watched a documentary-type film by Bill Maher called "Religulous". Now I know what you may be thinking, "what is a christian doing and watching that film?" Well, I have to tell you that it is not a film I would recommend to anyone. Bill Maher says that he preaches the Gospel of I-don't-know. It's true. In this film he goes to the many different religions and speaks with people of these religions and asks them why they think their god is real. He questions the belief in any god and questions the need for it in our society. At one point he even said that he understood why the guy in jail would want Jesus, because he has nothing else. But people who have everything in life shouldn't need Jesus.

All I could think to myself was, "what a narrow-minded way of thinking". People who don't know can't grasp the idea of God. and to be honest, sometimes even we as Christians can not grasp the idea because he is just too great to grasp. And Bill Maher thinks that this is a ridiculous way of thinking. Hence the title "religulous".

I'm not sure why I decided to watch this film. Possibly because I am interested in knowing what the world thinks about Jesus and Christians. Bill actually said in the movie to a man "thank you for being Christ-like and not just Christian". I think that even the world thinks we should be more Christ-like if we call ourselves Christians...are we being Christ-like?

That's my question...


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