Saturday, June 13, 2009


original date: March 20, 2009

So I realize I haven't really blogged. haha. My last pointless entry shouldn't even be considered one.

I'm slowly learning that life throws interesting curve balls at you to test you. well God does anyway. I've recently been thinking alot about school. Which by the way is what I have decided on with God's help and guidance. September holds a new and somewhat old season for me. I will be completing my upgrading so that next fall - Sept 2010 - I can go to King's University College. See, I had originally planned on Taylor but it's unfortunate that the Uni/College there will be no more after the current semester finishes. So I had to think of where else I could go. King's was always in the back of my mind as a school that I'd like to try out. So I've decided, done my research, prayed, and I feel that God is calling me there. I also plan to live on residence - much to my mothers dismay - but I also think that it will be the best.

I've also been thinking alot about my finances. I've realized that I spend too much money on useless things, so I'm cutting back. Just like alot of people are, I'm cutting back on unnecessary expenses. If it means that for the next couple of months until I quit my job I am super strapped for cash because I'm trying to pay stuff off before I no longer have a full time job then so be it. I now realize why God kept me at a good job for this long - it was to save for school. But I didn't do that. I was dumb. But I'm doing it now and with God's help I'll be able to achieve my goals. God will provide. I've always been a woman of faith. I live on faith. Sometimes people don't understand it because we live in a society that tells us that we live in reality, and the reality of life is that we need money to survive and we need to make lots of it to live comfortably. I think that this is true, but personally, the more I trust God the more he has provided for me and my family. So this is the way I faith. God is so good that He has never failed...and He never will fail. I am reminded by the words of my friend Caleb, "I will fail you". It's true. We as humans are prone to fail, but Jesus and his love and grace and mercy never fail.

Don't ever forget that. Whenever you feel like you're struggling or like Life is just not the way you had hoped it would turn out to be, may you find peace and rest in knowing that the God who is the Almighty and Everlasting Father, never fails.


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