Monday, March 22, 2010

{About A Boy}

So at the beginning of February I began online communication with a gentlemen. It was great! We were able to keep the conversation going and the second time we had talked he asked me out to coffee. I am a huge chicken when it comes to meeting someone in person who I've been chatting with online. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind doing it I'm just known to freak out a little bit on the day of the actual meeting. This time was no different...

So I wasn't able to arrange for coffee with him until three weeks into our communicating. I set-up a double date with my friend and her husband and the two of us. I met up with him first downtown and we walked around and talked and got to know each other in person because after all, it's different chatting with someone online than in person. It went really well and it was a great night. No complaints. So, the following Friday I decided to invite him over to my friends house where I would be spending the night and that was fun. I drank a little too much but he didn't seem to mind so that was good and we cuddled and just spent a lot of the night just lounging on the couch. It was great!

After that we have gone out twice and it's going so well. Eek! It's kind of exciting. He's a great person and an old soul and I love it. It's amazing and refreshing to be with someone who not only respects me but can actually hold a conversation without my thoughts running away with me on some randomness. I find myself wanting to just listen to him talk because he reads a lot and absorbs a lot of information. He’s a great guy and I’m anxious to see where things go.

Of course my mom is itching to meet him and my dad is playing the somewhat over-protective father who asks all the questions because his little girl is dating a guy that they have never heard of. Haha. I’m sure they will eventually get over it.

But yeah, I’m really glad that everything is going well. He’s a sweet guy. Stay tuned…

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