Friday, March 5, 2010

{Panic Attack}

It all happens so quickly. One second you're sitting and the next you feel like the world is going to end. It isn't the greatest feeling in the world and you only wish you can walk away from it in one piece. You hope that the world won't realize what is happening to you, but at the same time wish there was something they could do for you. You feel trapped inside your body, like you're in a jail. Not knowing what will happen the next second, minute, hour. Your body feels tingly and yet surprisingly numb. Breathing becomes difficult and the pressure on your chest is almost too much to bare. Minutes feel like hours as you try to calm yourself down only to give in to the horrifying sensation that there isn't anything else that could go wrong.

"Walk, just walk it off" is what you tell yourself. "Breathe, just breathe" is what you hope will relieve this feeling. Thinking happy thoughts doesn't seem to work either...

Then, as quickly as it happened, it leaves. You're left with the feeling that something bad almost happened but didn't quite follow through. And now you're left to pick up the pieces, of a moment in your life that you hope will never happen again. The feeling of anxiety and fear for the unknown suppresses you, but you have to shake it off. "Don't think about it anymore"'s in the past now, even though you know that one day the same feeling that you despise...

...will haunt your very soul.

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