Sunday, February 14, 2010


So today is Valentine's Day apparently, I'd never know because no one really puts it on facebook or Twitter or anything............


But yeah, it's another Valentine's Day alone, but in all honesty I'm okay with it. I have no issues with being single. I like not having to check up on anyone to see how their day is going...haha. I mean, I still do with my friends but that's always different. It's a relief to not have to do that with a significant other though. ha. There are prospects in the horizon, however, and soon enough I could be writing a blog about it...but we'll cross that bridge when and if I get there.

I remember what V Day was like. Never anything too special. Maybe flowers, and chocolate, or a nice gift of some sort...but like I said, nothing too special. Perhaps it was foreshadowing...

I heard something once that has definitely changed my opinion about relationships and the people in them though.

Vince Vaughn was once interviewed before his film "Couples Retreat" opened in theatres and he said that the thing he wanted people to remember always was:

"Women go into a relationship hoping that their man will change, and men go into a relationship hoping that their woman won't change. Almost always, both parties are disappointed with the outcome."

 You might ask yourself how this has helped me? Well, it's made me realize that I AM NOT PERFECT. Yes, I said it. Believe it or not, Hilda is not a perfect person and I should never expect someone else to be for the sake of the relationship. We're all different and that's what makes a relationship work - or not work in some cases.

I think that when we all understand that the differences in personalities in a relationship are what make life so interesting we learn to love unconditionally. (oh god, i used that word...)

Well, for lack of a better - phrase? - Happy Valentine's Day to all of you who have someone to spend it with and even for those who don't. Remember to always smile because you never know who is falling in love with it.



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